Omaha NE Photographer | Cowles Family Photos

Omaha Family Photography

Today I'm going to be a little sappy! I've know Ginger since elementary school, we went to different lutheran schools.. in different cities.. at least an hour away from each. We played basketball, volleyball and I think even soccer against each other .. ( yes I played sports.. even my kids can't believe this) ! We also went to the same high school in a little town called Waco Nebraska! Where we lived in dorms our freshman year. I moved back to Omaha and Ginger stayed in the Waco area for the remainder of high school. Facebook wasn't a thing at that point. I don't think my house even had a computer! Years later we reconnected now thanks to internet, computers and the wonders of Facebook. 

Shortly after Ginger and I realized that we both have children with Asperger's and Sensory disorders. It was nice having someone with a child who has the same issues and leaning on her a few times for support, ideas and just to vent about a bad day! I'm not gonna lie.. I was a little nervous about meeting Nola and Scarlett. I wasn't sure how they would handle meeting someone new, a new location, someone loud and possibly crazy :) I was very careful about touching and always giving a little heads up about what we were going to do next. The girls were amazing! I gained their trust, hugs and hand holding very fast! Nola even invited me for ice cream after the session... obviously that was an yes!

So here I sit, feeling today is the perfect day to blog the Cowle's family session as I wait for someone to come and meet with David, Cayden and I to see if we can finally get Cayden assistance for his Asperger's, Autism and Sensory Issues. This is our 3rd attempt so hoping for ... 3rd time charm! 

The BEST part of this session.. When we walked to a different spot to get photos with the sunset and I noticed a HUGE spider with it's dinner, just hanging out in the grass. Suddenly, we had enough pics and the session was over :)  I HATE SPIDERS!! Andy decided to show the girls the spider, but something buzzed past his ear and I happened to catch his reaction to the possible flying spider :)

Omaha NE Photographer